Pin '2020 walk alone' especially for the alternative 4 days marches


Every year, thousands of people start at the starting line of the Nijmegen Four Days Marches. Four days of walking in the company of walkers from all over the world. This year, 2020, that is not possible due to Corona measures. The official 4Daagse has been canceled, but people are still walking. Many walkers hold their own 'walk alone' edition using The Alternative Four Days Marches. Walking this unusual Four Days Marches is also an achievement that should be celebrated and rewarded.

As a souvenir for The Alternative Four Days Marches, De Tinnen Roos developed a pin with the numbers 2020 in Corona style with underneath it the 4Daagse logo and the text 'walk alone'. You can buy this pin for yourself as a souvenir or as a gift to a walker who takes route this year.

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